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Time Window:

April 18th, 2010

Maintenance events:

– DNS Switch Power Redundancy

Impact: Low

Window: 00:00 – 03:00 CDT

Rackspace will be upgrading our switches that provide connectivity to our DNS servers.

The new switches have dual power supplies and will greatly reduce the likelihood of failed DNS queries in the event of a power loss.

In order to upgrade the switch we will have to shift traffic to our secondary devices. During this time (seconds) you may encounter a failed DNS query.

– Backbone Router Upgrade

Impact: Low

Window: 00:01 to 03:00 AM CDT

Rackspace will be upgrading one of our backbone routers to support IPv6 address processing.

This router provides connectivity for internal routes and any peering connections between our DFW and SAT data centers.

The new device will be pre-configured with the current routing and port configurations to minimize replacement time.

During this time internal traffic will failover to our redundant VPN connection between data centers.

Peering connections however, will be disrupted until the new router is brought online.